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Hidalgo registra 93 contagios más de COVID-19 en las últimas horas

People wear face masks as they wait to enter a children's hospital in Phnom Penh on January 30, 2020, after the first case of novel coronavirus was reported in the country. - Cambodia's health ministry reported the country's first case of the novel coronavirus, a virus similar to the SARS pathogen on January 27: a 60-year-old man who arrived in the country from Wuhan and is now stable in an isolation room. The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a new virus linked to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold. As of 29 Janaury 2020 nearly 6,000 people have been infected, and the numbers are rising rapidly. Most cases are in China and there have been reports of infections among children. Coronaviruses are transmitted through direct contact, respiratory droplets like coughing and sneezing, and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. UNICEF is in close contact with the Chinese authorities, including the Ministry of Commerce and the National Health Commission, the World Health Organization (WHO), and other UN agencies to monitor developments and needs as the situation further unfolds. UNICEF is also working with WHO and partners for a coordinated multi-sectoral response in China and other affected countries. --- Non-exclusive AFP-Services stock photo for UNICEF use. Totally restricted for use by media and partners. While this means that media clients subscribing to AFP may have access to the same images, this is still very useful for immediate on-set emergencies as well as the L3 countries where UNICEF works. © Notice: Non-exclusive rights are granted to UNICEF with these AFP-Services photos. The photos may be used by UNICEF and National Committees with a credit line acknowledging UNICEF, the photographer

Hidalgo, luego de iniciar la semana en color amarillo frente al semáforo epidemiológico, finaliza la semana con 93 contagios más de COVID-19, arrojando 60 mil 908 casos positivos, de los cuales 618 son activos. A su vez, son ya 7 mil 600 decesos a causa de esta enfermedad, es decir, 11 más que el día de ayer.

De acuerdo con la Estrategia Nacional de Vacunación, se han aplicado 106 millones 121 mil 884 dosis de la vacuna anticovid, lo que representa que un total de 47 millones 692 mil 378 mexicanos han completado su esquema de vacunación, mientras que 18 millones 357 mil 69 aún esperan su segunda dosis.

En Hidalgo, según la Secretaría de Salud federal, el avance de vacunación ha llegado a un 81 por ciento, siendo un punto porcentual más que el día de ayer, lo que equivale a 2 millones 192 mil 816 de vacunas aplicadas. Sin embargo, es importante señalar que solo un 35 por ciento representa esquema completo.

Según el reporte técnico diario sobre el avance del coronavirus, México registra un acumulado de 3 millones 714 mil 392 contagios positivos al virus SARS CoV-2, mientras que en casos sospechosos son 525 mil 355. De igual manera, suman ya 281 mil 610 mexicanos que han perdido la vida por esta enfermedad.

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